
2023 Annual Report

collage of humanitarian workers

The Hope We Share

Marking 65 Years of Impact

In the past year, we have witnessed the far-reaching
consequences of inadequate access to health care and a
devastating list of crises.

Stark increases in migration and displacement. Catastrophic
earthquakes in Türkiye, Syria, and Morocco. Heart-wrenching
violence in Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza. The
continued impacts of a dangerous health worker shortage.

In the face of such serious challenges, we remain committed
to meeting the most urgent needs while building long-term
solutions that transform the health of our global communities.

2023 was also a year of tremendous courage and global action.
Despite the unprecedented risks humanitarians face, Project
HOPE responded swiftly to deliver emergency relief, mental
health services, maternal and newborn care, and vital support
to health workers worldwide. This required a unified effort
across our organization and with our partners and donors, all
of whom are dedicated to ensuring access to compassionate
medical care in the face of adversity.

Last year also marked Project HOPE’s 65th anniversary,
a milestone that reinforces our long commitment to
transforming global health since our founding in 1958.
Though the threats have never been more serious, our
commitment remains steadfast: to ensure equitable access
to health care for everyone, everywhere.

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World Humanitarian Day Matching Gift Challenge

Today we're celebrating our team of humanitarians—and all they do to save lives. Please make a gift in their honor while our matching gift challenge will double your generosity.

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