Help Refugees and People in Health Crises


Video: The Value of Free and Charitable Clinics

Thanks to support from the Health Resources and Services Administration, Project HOPE is helping free and charitable clinics across Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas expand access to COVID-19 vaccines and reach underserved and uninsured communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed vaccination gaps among communities with high proportions of minority groups and individuals who are economically and socially marginalized.  Though COVID-19 vaccines have been widely available in the U.S. throughout the pandemic, there are vast disparities in vaccine coverage within underserved communities where multiple access barriers exist.

In order to reduce barriers to vaccine access and strengthen vaccine confidence, Project HOPE engaged local health care professionals and partners in 37 free and charitable clinics across Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Through these partner clinics, Project HOPE increased vaccine access, provided community-level education on vaccines, and strengthened vaccine confidence in states with low vaccination rates and high rates of unvaccinated but willing populations.

Learn more in the video below.

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