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How We’re Partnering with AstraZeneca to Bring HOPE to Ukraine

As the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine approaches its second year, the humanitarian needs of impacted communities continue to rise. With the onset of winter and the continued destruction of civilian infrastructure, communities along the front lines are facing additional challenges and risks.

AstraZeneca’s generous support of Project HOPE’s response efforts in Ukraine has enabled us to continue delivering lifesaving humanitarian aid to impacted Ukrainians, while building capacity for medical services across the country.

To date, AstraZeneca has helped Project HOPE to launch new Mobile Medical Units (MMUs); support hospitals, shelters, and IDP centers with emergency relief items; and distribute hygiene kits and thermal clothing to affected communities.

Below are a few ways that AstraZeneca is making an impact with Project HOPE across Ukraine:

Expanding Healthcare Access via Mobile Medical Units (MMUs)

A nurse sits with an elderly patient on a bed

With support from AstraZeneca, Project HOPE’s team purchased three vehicles and pharmaceuticals to support the launch of three new Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) to reach remote settlements on the frontline in the Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Oblasts.

Each MMU consists of a physician, nurse, and data entry operator with the ability to provide medical consultations, referrals, and medicines. Between May and November of 2023, these three MMUs have provided 19,697 medical consultations to 12,400 patients, and have distributed 34,791 pharmaceutical items.

Distributing Emergency Relief

The Kakhovka Dam destruction in the Kherson Oblast in June of 2023 flooded 37 towns and villages, forcibly displacing nearly 2,800 people.

In response, Project HOPE – in coordination with local authorities and health care facilities – delivered five generators and 51 child and 412 adult hypoallergenic mattresses to seven health care facilities that were affected by the flooding in the Korabelnyi District Council in the Kherson Oblast.

man and woman speaking about water kettles

The Project HOPE team also distributed 549 electric kettles and 158 thermopods to 50 facilities in the Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson Oblasts.

In November, the Project HOPE team distributed 56 two-section mattresses, 760 sets of bed linens, 300 kettles, and 50 thermopods to health care facilities, IDP centers, shelters, and warming centers in the Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Oblast.

Alla Kovalenko, Chief Nurse of the Pokrovsk Clinical Hospital for Intensive Care (Donetsk Oblast):

“Our hospital serves as a key medical facility for the Pokrovsk district, and we also provide assistance to the affected population from Avdiivka, Mariinka, and other frontline areas. Consequently, the volume of our work has increased. We received kettles from Project HOPE and, as of today, we have allocated them across the departments and the dining area to enhance comfort for our patients. We are sincerely grateful to you for your support and kindness!”

In collaboration with the local councils and administrations of the settlements in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast, the Project HOPE team has distributed 1,596 units of thermal clothing to 671 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and people living along the front line.

Additionally, thanks to the support of AstraZeneca, Project HOPE distributed 840 hygiene kits to 988 individuals along the front lines, helping to prevent the spread of disease.

truck brings in packages with a woman standing watch

Volodymyr Shysh, head of Malynivka village military administration in the Polohy district of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast: “We sincerely thank you for supporting our community during these challenging times. As our community is in a zero zone with active combat, we have only 30 residents left, and each of them received a hygiene kit. People are pleasantly surprised that they are not forgotten. We would like to continue this collaboration, especially since there has been no electricity or water in the villages since March 2, 2022, and people need essential resources for their survival.”

Project HOPE is deeply grateful for AstraZeneca’s support of our response in Ukraine, which has enabled us to help restore access to healthcare services for the communities who need it most.

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